This picture will be mintable soon

How To Apply For Launchpad

onXRP offers a launchpad functionality for select projects. This launchpad allows non-fungible token (NFT) project owners to launch multiple NFTs at once and offer them for sale through either a random mint or non-random mint functionality. If you’re interested in using the launchpad for your NFT project, here’s how to apply.

Applying For Launchpad

1) Connect a clean issuer wallet without prior transactions. This wallet will be used to mint and sell the NFTs.

2) Fill out the application form, which will be reviewed by onXRP. You can access the application form by clicking here.

3) Present all the details of your NFT project in the application form. The form includes several sections that must be completed in order to proceed to the next. It’s recommended that you prepare all necessary documents in advance to avoid mistakes.

·  In the first section, you’ll need to provide information about your project, including its name, category, a short description, a profile picture, and a banner image. 

·  The second section allows you to link all project URL’s, including the URL to the project white paper (which is mandatory) and optional URL’s to social media accounts.

·  The third section requires a long-form project description that will help the public understand what your project is about and will also be displayed on the launchpad page. You’ll also need to include sample NFT’s that will appear on the launchpad page.

·  In the fourth section, you’ll need to describe your roadmap, explaining what you’ve accomplished so far and what you plan to do in the future. A well-defined roadmap will help the community understand your project better.

·  In the fifth section, you can include a short bio of your team, highlighting each member’s contribution to the project.

·  In the sixth section, you’ll need to upload your project assets, including the project’s art and corresponding data in a zip file. Make sure the art is complete and that each unit has a corresponding metadata file, which should be uploaded as two sets within the zip file.

·  In the seventh section, you’ll specify the minting details of your project, including the expected mint time and date, whether you want to enable whitelisting for the launch, the mint price, the royalty percentage, and your minting preference (random, non-random, or late reveal).

·  In the final section, you’ll need to provide your contact information and agree to the terms and conditions before submitting your application. Your application will be reviewed by the team, and you’ll be notified if it is accepted.

Community Standards

Please note that all NFT projects must meet certain requirements set by the community. These requirements include:

·  Providing a global ID and Know Your Customer (KYC) information

·  Avoiding explicit content

·  Ensuring that the NFT marketplace has KYC integration within the onboarding process for new listings

·  Ensuring that the issuer wallet is KYC’d

·  If an IOU (I Owe You) is issued, the issuer address must be blackholed

·  Avoiding endorsements or discriminatory or racial slurs

·  Having a whitepaper and roadmap

·  Clearly explaining the tokenomics of the project


Once you submit your project, no changes can be made to the application form. It’s important to carefully review and complete all sections of the form to ensure a smooth application process.

Marta Cid
Marta Cid