

Definition of Whitelisting

A whitelist is a group of wallet addresses that can partake in a presale. Whitelisting is the practice of allowing a chosen group of people to purchase new NFTs at a much lower price than other users during minting events.

Whitelisting used in a sentence

‘’I just got whitelisted in the discord for this super cool NFT series, this is dope!’’

‘’Is the whitelist still open? Unfortunately not, better luck next time!’’

‘’Can I join the whitelist for this NFT series? Only if you meet the requirements to be whitelisted.’’

More research on Whitelisting

An article regarding whitelisting

On the XRPL NFTs are not available yet thus we made a different way of whitelisting. We wrote articles about that as well.


Bryan indulges in every bit of crypto-related news and material he can lay his hands on. As such, he often shares his views and advice through the onXRP content platform. He is a firm believer in crypto’s potential in the financial and economic world. With 5 years of experience in investing and trading Bryan brings excellent insights to the table. He is excited to bring much of this knowledge and many of his skills to the onXRP platform.