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Bastiaan van Roekel
Bastiaan van Roekel

Tokenized Whitelisting for NFT Projects

The XRP Ledger (XRPL) stands out as a unique blockchain that has seen its fair share of innovation and controversy over the years. As the development of NFTs gained momentum, the XRPL community embraced a fresh approach to whitelisting, setting them apart from other blockchains and driving the evolution of NFT projects.

Understanding NFT Whitelisting

Whitelisting is a common process in NFT projects where project owners enable initial distribution of NFTs by approving wallet addresses to mint specific NFTs. This incentivizes early supporters and avoids gas wars on high-gas-price networks like Ethereum, where early access can lead to higher profits on NFT resales. However, traditional whitelisting on Ethereum has its downsides, creating pressure on collectors to buy in before conducting thorough research.

Tokenized Whitelisting on the XRPL

Tokenized whitelisting emerged as the prevailing method for purchasing XRPL NFTs. This approach involves issuing an IOU (I Owe You) token, granting holders the option to mint the NFT when they become available. Implemented in anticipation of the XLS-20d protocol release, tokenized whitelisting has revolutionized how projects market and launch their NFT series on the XRPL.

This innovative process has several benefits. Firstly, it gives potential investors ample time to research and follow a project before deciding to buy in, alleviating the pressure to rush into a purchase. Additionally, tracking the IOU token’s data provides valuable insights for project owners to understand community responses and create value for HODLERS.

A Trailblazing Trend on the XRPL

The trailblazing trend of tokenized whitelisting was pioneered by XPUNKS in October 2021, receiving an enthusiastic response from the XRPL community. Soon after, other projects followed suit, collectively contributing to the development of a unique NFT ecosystem on the XRPL.

Looking Ahead

As the XLS-20d protocol is expected to be implemented, tokenized whitelisting is likely to continue dominating the XRPL NFT landscape. It has brought a fresh perspective to the development of NFT projects and their communities. The positive elements it introduced may even be adopted by new projects after the XLS-20d release.

In the foreseeable future, IOUs will remain an integral part of the XRPL ecosystem, playing a pivotal role in fostering new communities and driving the growth of innovative NFT projects. With the XRPL’s commitment to constant evolution, tokenized whitelisting is set to shape the future of NFT projects on this exceptional blockchain.

Bastiaan van Roekel
Bastiaan van Roekel