Marta Cid
Marta Cid

Signer Nodes

Signer nodes, also known as validator nodes or signing nodes, are computer servers or other devices that participate in a blockchain network by verifying and signing transactions. In a blockchain network, transactions are typically grouped into blocks and added to the blockchain through a process called “mining” or “consensus.” During this process, signer nodes play a key role by verifying the validity of the transactions in a block and adding their digital signatures to the block to confirm that the transactions are valid.

Signer nodes are typically operated by trusted entities, such as financial institutions or other organizations, and are often chosen based on their reputation and ability to contribute to the security and stability of the network. Signer nodes may be required to meet certain technical and security criteria in order to participate in the network and may be rewarded for their contribution to the network through a process called “staking,” in which they receive a portion of the network’s transaction fees or other rewards.

Signer nodes are an important component of many blockchain networks and play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of the network. They help to prevent fraud and ensure that transactions are processed in a fair and transparent manner.


“I heard that the XYZ blockchain network was looking for new signer nodes to join their network and help verify transactions. As a financial institution, we were interested in participating as a signer node because it would allow us to contribute to the security and stability of the network, and we would also be rewarded for our contribution through the staking process.”

Marta Cid
Marta Cid