Marta Cid
Marta Cid

Blockchain Trilemma

The blockchain trilemma is a concept that refers to the challenge of balancing three essential principles of a blockchain: security, scalability, and decentralisation. It is often described as a “trilemma” because it is believed that a blockchain can only achieve two of these properties simultaneously, as one must be compromised in order to achieve the other two.

Security refers to the ability of a blockchain to protect against tampering, fraud, and other forms of malicious activity. It is essential for the integrity and trustworthiness of a blockchain.

Scalability refers to the ability of a blockchain to handle a large volume of transactions or users without experiencing delays or performance issues. It is important for the practical use and adoption of a blockchain.

Decentralisation refers to the distribution of power and control within a blockchain network. It is a key principle of blockchain technology and refers to the idea that the network is not controlled by a single entity, but rather is operated by a decentralized network of participants.

Balancing these three principles can be challenging because they can sometimes be in tension with one another. For example, increasing the security of a blockchain may require more resources, which can decrease its scalability. Similarly, increasing the scalability of a blockchain may require more centralisation, which can compromise its decentralisation. Finding the right balance among these principles is an ongoing challenge for blockchain developers and researchers.


“The team behind the XYZ blockchain was struggling to find a solution to the blockchain trilemma. They wanted to increase the security of the network, but doing so would require more resources and potentially compromise its scalability. On the other hand, increasing the scalability of the network would require more centralisation, which would compromise its decentralisation. They knew that finding the right balance among these three principles would be essential for the long-term success of the blockchain.”

Marta Cid
Marta Cid