


An anonymous person is somebody that has not disclosed their identity. In crypto, people often don’t want to reveal their identity for various reasons. Thus, that person posts online or creates content while using a pseudonym.

Examples of Usage

  • “The controversial owner of the web portal and Bitcointalk, an anon named ‘Cobra Bitcoin,’ has been a popular subject within the cryptocurrency community lately.” 
  • “I respect your reply to the anon. It is sometimes hard to write while not offending a maxi as a blogger.” 

Reasons for anonymity. 

Online anonymity does play an important role in freedom of expression. One of the main reasons for staying anonymous is that it can voice those who are actively being silenced or stating controversial opinions. Anonymity allows them to speak without fear of repercussions. 


Bryan indulges in every bit of crypto-related news and material he can lay his hands on. As such, he often shares his views and advice through the onXRP content platform. He is a firm believer in crypto’s potential in the financial and economic world. With 5 years of experience in investing and trading Bryan brings excellent insights to the table. He is excited to bring much of this knowledge and many of his skills to the onXRP platform.